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New Year, New Paths: How Your Choices Can Improve Your Pet's Life

Writer's picture: M.V. Claudia BarbieriM.V. Claudia Barbieri

We're at the end of 2024 and this is our 20th article on the HoliscamenteVet Blog... So I've decided to talk about something lighter, but no less important...I was recently browsing social media and these two phrases caught my attention...

“The best opportunities are the one you choose to take before it is too late”

“Your decisions today will define your tomorrow”

Boho Beautiful

We're closing another year, another cycle is coming to an end... In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the end of the year offers us an opportunity to stop and reflect on how our choices and our daily decisions impact our lives, our physical, mental and emotional health, our ability to be happy... But not only that... OUR DECISIONS also affect the lives of OUR PETS...

We are responsible for them, our daily choices have an impact on their lives...our habits and energy influence the environment we share, our worries, fears and anxieties are also reflected in the physical, mental and emotional health of our four-legged friends...and this is scientifically proven.In addition to this indirect impact, we also have choices directly related to their health, such as the type of food we choose, the frequency of physical activity and walks we provide, how we act to prevent illnesses, what sorts of veterinary treatments we seek, etc? All of this will have an impact on their quality of life and longevity...

In my opinion, the best opportunities really are the ones we choose to embrace before it's too late. Both in life and in holistic veterinary medicine, this truth resonates deeply, because often adopting a healthy lifestyle, based on prevention and early intervention using therapies that take care of health in a complete, natural and gentle way, make all the difference to our animals' well-being...

In the holistic veterinary approach, we consider the animal as a whole - body, mind, emotions and spirit - because we recognize the importance of balancing all these aspects to promote true health. For this to be effective, it is necessary to act sensitively, analyzing not only what the medical exams show, but also what the animal communicates to us through their behaviour, energy and emotional state. Often, pet guardians hesitate to explore holistic therapies, either because they don't know much about them or because they believe they are just a last option. However, it is precisely in the early integration of practices such as Reiki, Homeopathy, Bach Flowers, Herbal Medicine and Nutraceuticals that lies the greatest opportunity to transform lives.

Reiki, for example, is a Japanese technique that has incredible benefits for animals and which many pet guardians are still unaware of, despite the fact that it is scientifically proven...Reiki works to reduce pain, relieve anxiety, reduce stress and increase well-being, among countless other benefits, and is completely free of contraindications...the potential of this therapy is immense...and as I often say, “Reiki changes lives” has changed mine, my animals' lives and it can certainly change yours...

In the same way, homeopathy, a science that is over 200 years old, treats animals in their entirety and uniqueness, being applied to the most diverse chronic or acute illnesses, as well as behavioral and emotional problems. We also have Bach Flowers, a method based on the simplicity of nature that provides excellent results for animals, acting on a wide range of emotional and behavioral problems....And finally, herbal medicine and nutraceuticals, which are an excellent option for managing animals' physical and emotional health problems in a gentle and natural way.

Imagine being able to offer relief to an elderly dog with osteoarthritis through Reiki, improve the quality of life of a dog suffering from cardiopathy with the support of nutraceuticals, change the life of a newborn lamb with homeopathy or improve the immune system of a cat with chronic illnesses through mycotherapy and herbal medicines... All of this is possible and are real examples from our daily lives...

When we choose to act proactively, choosing natural therapies that are effective and free of adverse effects, we create possibilities for healing and well-being that might have been impossible to achieve later... And most importantly, we improve the quality of life and well-being of animals, which is always the greatest goal, since there's nothing better than seeing your buddy happy and healthy!

Adopting holistic veterinary medicine doesn't mean rejecting conventional science, but rather integrating the best of both worlds. It's a wise and conscious choice we can make... a decision to do more for our companions while we still have the chance to offer them maximum comfort and quality of life.

These phrases inspired this reflection and the opportunities are there! It's up to us to decide when and how to act... And the sooner we take the initiative, the greater the chances of building a healthier and more balanced future for our furry friends.

We are completing the first quarter of the 21st century...the future is now...Take advantage of the energy of change that is in the air...If you don't know about this world of energy-based medicine and holistic veterinary medicine, find out more, read about it and transform your life and your pet's life!

Our website is packed with information for you! Enjoy it!

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